Thursday, July 5, 2007

He's got nothing

Nothing left but bullshit and boogeymen.

"If we were to quit Iraq before the job is done, the terrorists we are fighting would not declare victory and lay down their arms. They would follow us here, home," Bush told a crowd of about 1,000 gathered at a West Virginia Air
National Guard maintenance hangar.

PAF has discussed this particular canard before: here, here and here.

Still, some choose to believe:

The audience, which was crammed in a corner of a hangar draped with two-story-high American flags, included troops in uniform and the children, spouses, mothers and fathers of serving Guard members. Most said they are solidly behind the president -- who spent 20 minutes shaking hands after his remarks -- and the mission in Iraq. "I love him, and my son loves him. He gets the job done," said Donna L. Ruppenthal, of Hedgesville, W.Va., whose son is serving in Iraq. Several family members said the president's speech helped to ease their doubts about whether the war in Iraq is worth the loss of more than 3,500 soldiers. "I'm glad we came. I think it helped clear up some confusion and some misgivings about our reasons for being there," said Chris Davis, 56, who has a 26-year-old son in the Guard. "The president gave us some pride, knowing what [our son] is doing for the country."

Such a price for pride.

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