Friday, January 4, 2008

Meanwhile, back in Jesusland

Huckabee will save America from the Necrophiliac Agenda

Johann Hari writing for the Independent:

In Huckabee’s hokey breast, the old-style evangelical populism of William Jennings Bryan -the perennial Democratic candidate for President at the turn of the last century - has been reborn. And, like Bryan, he is a barking theocrat. He insists the world was created 6,000 years ago, and he ain’t descended from no monkey. He drawls, “Science changes with every generation with new discoveries, and God doesn’t. So I’ll stick with God.” In the 1990s he suggested quarantining HIV victims, and he openly compares homosexuality to necrophilia and bestiality.

Yikes. More on your post-Iowa Republican front-runner here.

Further reflection on the politics of necrophilia: Maybe that is what Nixon had in mind when he said to Hunter Thompson, "Fuck the doomed". Wouldn't put it past him.