Monday, March 10, 2008

A three Trillion dollar war

according to the estimates of Stiglitz and Bilmes in the Washington Post.

When the numbers get this big, I have to remind myself that a trillion is a million times a million. So we're talking about a million piles of a million dollars, times three.

And what have we bought?

Four thosand dead American troops, tens of thousands wounded or maimed, many more psychologically traumatized.

Hundreds of thousdands of dead Iraqis, massive destruction of social infrastructure, societal disintegration and endemic conflict, millions displaced, misery beyond measure.

A priceless propaganda victory for militant jihadists, a respite for al Qaeda to regroup in Afghanistan and Pakistan, America less safe from terrorism than before the war.

Geopolitical destabilization of the Middle East, and intensified tensions with Iran.

Food for the hungry? No.

Hospitals and health care? Nuh-uh.

Schools and teachers? Nope.

What a deal.