Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Piss on my leg and tell me it's raining

Neocon, war booster, and McCain advisor
Robert Kagan wants us to move beyond silly and absurd conspiracy theories about the neocons and the administration deliberately misleading the public to justify the Iraq war.

The only problem with that: They deliberately misled the public to justify the Iraq war.

Oh yeah.
Not just once, and not by mistake.
Enough evidence yet?
How much more evidence do you need?

The verdict.

Mr Kagan would like us to think that taking seriously all this evidence of calculated deception is roughly equivalent to believing that LBJ shot JFK, or spreading scurrilous stories about Jews secretly plotting to take over the world.

What do you say when somebody repeatedly and deliberately misleads you, and then when you call them on it after you have paid a heavy price for their dishonesty, they insult your intelligence and equate you with loonies and con men?

I'm having trouble finding more than two words for Mr. Kagan.

1 comment:

chazz said...

So reading back.Kagan makes me embarrassed to be of religious and cultural background he is.Why can't dickheads like him or any Neo-Con (emphasis on "Con"),"Little" Billy Krystol or even neo-liberals like Tom Friedman advocate Iraq invasion and still are considered "experts".Kagan is not stupid 9far from it) but dead wrong.Or at least 4000 Americans and 100K Iraqi's are as well as are economy and future.Idea of American dominance in the 21st centurey couldn't have been insured but what they advocated in foreign and domestic policy couldn't have been by these assholes with their "Project For A New American Century".Big winners of their ideas were Iran and China.Oh then some fruit peddler burns himself to death and twitter did what we spent a trillion on.Like Wall Street why these MF's still run the show instead of being in some super max prison is beyond me.See this: and you get the idea