Wednesday, February 20, 2008

History Lessons for McCain

from Juan Cole, who reminds McCain of what he already knows (or ought to know) about the history of Pakistan, because of McCain 's own inviolvement in that history.

And, based on this reminder, Professor Cole has some questions for our Republican frontrunner":

So lest we take any holidays from history, I have some questions for John McCain. Did you or did you not know about Gen. Zia's nuclear weapons program? Did you wink at it? If so doesn't that make you a proliferator of weapons of mass destruction to a radical Muslim extremist regime? much support did John McCain give to the precursors of the Taliban in Afghanistan? To the budding al-Qaeda?

...Far from "bringing stability" as McCain suggested, Musharraf has destabilized Pakistan in the past year, arbitrarily sacking the chief justice of the supreme court, provoking massive demonstrations, brutally invading the Red Mosque, and provoking a violent backlash in the northwest. This is stability?

And is this really the kind of government McCain supports? Are these judgments the fruit of his experience? Is this the kind of holiday from history he is going to take? Having backed the radical Muslim extremists in Afghanistan in the 1980s, having winked at Zia's dictatorship and nuclear program, having coddled Musharraf's authoritarianism, is McCain going to bring us more disasters like September 11, done by his good friends, Reagan's Freedom Fighters?

How about it, Senator? Any way to answer these questions with straight talk?