Tuesday, May 8, 2007


I don't generally go looking for zany right-wing battle-bots to ridicule, but sometimes you just can't avoid them. I just saw Melanie Morgan on the PBS News Hour and, whoa, what a scary, hysterical and incoherent performance that was. Ms. Morgan, representing Move America Forward, berated VoteVets.org as defeatist tools of al Qaeda -- objectively anti-troop dontchaknow (despite the fact that their members are, um, troops) -- and, apparently even worse, in league with the ultra-sinister George Soros:

...if we don't win in Iraq, we are going to lose America. It's that simple.
And let me also say that I certainly would hope that the Democrats, if they're planning their strategy meetings with people like Mr. Soltz [of VoteVets.org] and MoveOn.org, others who are meeting daily in telephone conference calls, which we are not, by the way, on our side, that al-Qaida is listening to their results, as well.
And I would really hope that they could put that energy into defeating the enemy rather than to accommodate some sort of political score, some sort of game to them to win elections in '08. And that's what we are doing.
We are doing rallies, e-mails. We have a complete strategy in place. And we will fight organizations like VoteVet.org and MoveOn.org. We don't have the millions of dollars in funding that George Soros has given them, but we have the hearts and will of American people.

This was just breathtakingly over the top in all kinds of ways: our choices are either total victory in Iraq or death for America (to achieve this "victory," Ms. Morgan has called for a World War II style "blitz" in Iraq unconstrained by wimpish fears of "collateral damage"); Democrats are eager to surrender the country (because the only alternative to exterminating all the brutes in a "blitz" is to throw open the gates and bow down before Osama and his hordes); peace activists are in conference calls with Osama (Move America Forward apparently avoids conference calls in order to keep Osama in the dark); George Soros is paying the phone bills for all this presumably hoping that more conference calls will lead to incorporation of America into a jihadist super-caliphate (no Mary Poppins jokes, please; PAF is on a roll here); Melanie and her fellow battle-bots have "a complete strategy" for fighting VoteVets and MoveOn and the conference call menace, but not a clue about how to minimize the senseless killing in Iraq, attain regional stability, or politically isolate and disempower al Qaeda and the militant jihadis, all of which she is happy to leave up to the commanders, whose track record to date she apparently finds confidence-inspiring; and all the while, she somehow believes, "the hearts and will of American people" are still bravely supporting the president's war.


If PBS has to look this hard to find believers, this war has jumped the shark.

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